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Main information

General characteristics:

  • Archaebacteria are generally obligate anaerobes

  • These living things can live in a very wide variety of enviroment

  • Reproduce using "Binary Fission"

  • Archaebacteria have a cell wall

  • Archaebacteria rang from 100 nanometers to 15 micrometers!

ArchaeBacteria are PROKARYOTIC.


Which means that all Archaebacteria (and ganerally all bacteria) have only one cell making up their bodies.  Archaebacteria also have no cell nucleus (Again, general for most bacteria).

Archae-bacteria live in harsh enviroments.


This special version of bacteria lives only in extremely hot or cold enviroments.  They are often found in areas with little available oxygen, or very few large living things.


This websie really helped me with my science homework ,Really useful!!

— Rose from New York, NY



      Oh my god. This website helped out a TON with my science.  I didn't understand this at all!  Thanks alot!



— Amy from Ashburn, VA

    This website is amazing, I can't wait for them to cover the other kingdoms!!!

— Lisa from Austin, TS



— Kyle from Sacramento, CA



My6 son bombed a test and needed help with the archae- kingdom, this really helped.

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